
Impact Whey Protein – 1kg – Limited Edition Mango

Discover and Order the Limited Edition Mango Impact Whey Protein – 1kg from Our Online Store

Get Your Hands on Limited Edition Mango Impact Whey Protein - 1kg

Discover and order the Limited Edition Mango Impact Whey Protein – 1kg from our online store

Containing 21g of high-quality protein per serving, this premium whey protein powder provides you with the protein intake you need. Where does whey come from? It comes from the same cows that produce your milk and cheese: it is simply filtered, evaporated, and spray-dried to produce 100% natural nutrients. Classified in the A category by independent evaluator Labdoor for its quality and value, Impact Whey Protein is officially certified as one of the best protein powders on the market. It comes in more than 40 flavors, including best-selling Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry Cream. Certified Informed Choice Informed Choice is a global standard for sports nutrition quality control. Through retail monitoring and a supplement verification program, Informed Choice helps reduce the already low risk that your supplements are contaminated with impurities and prohibited substances. With Informed Choice, you can be sure that our Impact Whey Protein is made to the highest standards. Want to know more about Informed Choice? Check out our article here.

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