
Advanced Weight Gainer – 5kg – Vanille

Advanced Weight Gainer – 5kg – Vanille

Advanced Weight Gainer - 5kg - Vanille

Click here to find and order Advanced Weight Gainer – 5kg – Vanille at the online store

We have made it easier than ever to find the products you need no matter what your goal is. That’s why we have transformed our Extreme Gainer Blend into Hard Gainer Extreme, but don’t worry, the taste and nutrients remain the same as your favorite product. What is our Hard Gainer Extreme? Our Hard Gainer Extreme is a dietary supplement that promotes mass gain. It contains 35g of protein per serving which is perfect for building and maintaining muscles. It also contains 62g of carbohydrates per serving, making it an excellent source of energy for your workout while supporting recovery after exercise. This all-in-one protein shake is packed with complementary ingredients to boost your training, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Additionally, our Hard Gainer Extreme contains creatine monohydrate, which is proven to improve physical performance, allowing you to give your best in each session.

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